Christmas Day
At-Home Worship
We wanted to make sure everyone had the opportunity to spend Christmas morning in a way that is both meaningful and practical.
So while we aren't worshiping in person this morning,
we invite you to gather with your favorites -
be that people or your favorite blanket and mug of something warm -
and enjoy this at-home worship designed to bring a little peace and joy
to your holiday celebrations.
You are invited to
click your way through the images below.
Each image is a link to a YouTube video or PDF document.
Moving from one element to the next
will hopefully bring you through a
relaxed, self-paced, interactive worship experience.
"In the past, God spoke through the prophets
to our ancestors in many times and many ways.
In these final days, though,
he spoke to us through a Son.
God made his Son the heir of everything
and created the world through him.
The Son is the light of God's glory
and the imprint of God's being."
~ Hebrews 1:1-3a, Common English Bible